Researchers: Anabela Mendes, Artur Teodoro de Matos, Gabriela Fragoso, Maria Teresa Dias Furtado, Marília dos Santos Lopes, Peter Hanenberg, Teresa Cadete, Ana Margarida Abrantes, Elisabetta Colla Coelho David, Klemens Detering
How do history, literature, film and arts reflect and represent Europe? What kind of cultural dimension is constructed, experienced and translated by the concept of Europe? What crossovers were productive for this concept? Is there a European way towards Global History?
The following outcomes are foreseen:
- Translation and critical edition of works by Alexander von Humboldt, Hölderlin (Correspondence), Schiller ("History of the Rebellion of the Netherlands against the Spanish Crown") and others.
- Realization of international seminars and conferences:
- in cooperation with the Portuguese German Studies Association, 14th to 16th of Febr. 2008;
- Garcia de Orta and Alexander von Humboldt - Across the East and the West, International Centre, Goa, 24.11.-6.12.2008 (in cooperation with the University of Goa);
- section co-directed by the CECC at the IVG-congress, Warsaw 2010.
- Publication of about 12 articles (in national and international journals) and about 4 books.